Bible Distribution

It all began with teaching about family devotion time while we were in one of the rural Indian villages. (read about that here) When we realized that none of these families had Bibles but that they DID have a huge passion to learn more about God, we knew what we had to do.

Thanks to so many of you who contributed to this event. We were able to distribute a beautiful, illustrated Bible in children’s language (most of the adults can’t read past an elementary level if at all) for EACH FAMILY in this village!

The day we distributed the Bibles, we brought Vicki along with us. She is a student of Bobby’s at SEMISUD who has a passion for those often forgotten. We gathered the community together in the church and explained the gift we had for each of them. As we were explaining how to use the Bibles, etc. we realized that these precious folks don’t even know things like the Bible has an Old & New Testament! They are really starting at level 1.

But you should have seen the looks on their faces as they admiringly stroked this beautiful shiny Bible that was now their very own! This is a treasure they will cherish.

Vicki will be returning to this community bi-weekly to continue teaching them about God’s Word, how to use the Bible in their own homes and even will be teaching many of the women how to read!

We look forward to continuing this Bible distribution in more communities as funding allows.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

Watch this fun video from the distribution day

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