Excited to be back

After a very busy 2 months of traveling in the US, we are so excited to be in Ecuador again working. Our first few weeks back have been busy as usual as everyone has lots of projects for us to work on (thankfully).

Already, we have been witness to another new church forming to serve the indigenous Indians. Bobby was present at their installation service. The pastor is a dedicated minister who is now pastoring 2 different churches at once.

Bobby participated in a huge pastor’s conference for all the indigenous pastors in Ecuador. It was rewarding to see so many lay pastors and congregation members who are hungry to serve the Lord and desiring to learn more about how to reach and disciple others. We were invited to host training classes with many of these churches.

We could not wait to visit the San Roque church because so many of you generously gave to help them fund a new roof. The church people were amazed at the donation we had to give and expressed their great appreciation for all of you.

For most of the churches here, Sunday School consists of teaching a few songs with motions and a memory verse. The churches recognize that they need deeper teaching for their children but they feel unqualified to give it and don’t know where to begin. Beginning in the next 2 weeks, we will be conducting 2 – 3 different training classes for children’s ministry workers. The classes will last for several weeks. We were able to purchase several great curriculum products that are in Spanish to share with these hungry churches. Thank you to everyone who helped us to purchase these supplies!

This week Bobby will be preaching in the seminary chapel service and teaching a few short seminars.

Here are some photos:

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