<style>.lazy{display:none}</style>Give Water - Project M:25 Missions
Every Child Deserves CLEAN Water

Will you help provide safe drinking water and God's love to families throughout Latin America?

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Every 88 Seconds WATER-BORN DISEASE kills a child


2.2 billion people worldwide have UNSAFE drinking water

bad water

UNSAFE drinking water leads to many of Latin America’s top 5 illnesses

UNSAFE drinking water leads to many of Latin America’s top 5 illnesses
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Filtration systems installed

Provide 1 million gallons – a LIFETIME of CLEAN WATER for a WHOLE FAMILY with this filter.
Functioning similarly to a kidney dialysis system, this system is simple enough to be easily operated and maintained by those of all education levels.



Individuals benefited

Bring Economic Relief to over 65% of households (based on previous reports).

School attendance increases as children spend less time collecting water. Children’s mental health improves as they have more time to play and pursue brighter futures.


% reported improved financial situation

72% of individuals report an improvement in health within 6 months. 

Normally 46% of young children in Ecuador receive medical care for diarrhea each year. Safe drinking water dramatically lowers this number.

You can make a difference