Week with Central COG

A missions team from Central Church of God spent the week with us and made a HUGE impact. This youth group had energy to paint, do repairs, cleanup projects AND serve the kids with a huge VBS, a trip to the zoo and providing new sneakers for each child. We are so grateful to everyone who made this trip possible.

One of the events, was our first-ever father’s group. To have these fathers attending a workshop on parenting is a HUGE win – especially in a culture where many fathers are mostly absent or are a violent presence in their child’s life.

It was such a special treat this summer, when we were able to setup a “shoe store” on our campus and allow each child to select their new shoes. At the same time the kids were getting new shoes, they also received parasite medications. 86% of Ecuadorian children suffer from intestinal parasites. We try, at least once a year, to provide medical treatment to the children in our program.

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