Give Water transforms lives every day: Read about Gonzalo

“I was thirsty, and you have me something to drink”

Pastor Gonzalo used to drink contaminated river water. He and his family would scoop out the water and then let it sit while all the visible contamination feel to the bottom. Now, having a filtration system, his family’s health has greatly improved. They are now filtering extra water to share with their neighbors.

“Love your neighbor as yourself”

The love that pastors like Gonzalo show to their neighbors has led to planting churches. The people of the community are amazed when he gives them clean water. Many have expressed how they thought the church was just a place of judgment. Now, they see the love of God in practical ways and understand the church can be their place of healing.

Expanding to more countries

Throughout Latin America, the water crisis impacts roughly 1 in 3 people. Look at the following infographic for examples of how unsafe water impacts the whole family. The Give Water program will now be expanding into other countries to help even more families.

Through the Give Water program, we install lifetime water filtration systems in the homes of families. we provide education on the benefits of drinking and using clean water, empowering families to improve their well-being. Our team continues to visit these families monthly, building relationships that help foster resilience to stand against the difficulties of poverty and trauma. Lives are transformed as we share the hope of Jesus Christ with families whose doors were previously closed to Christians.

God class us to demonstrate compassion and care for those in need. You do this when you Give Water. Your involvement is the catalyst for transformation, impacting the physical, relational, spiritual, and mental health of individuals living in communities that are plagued with poverty and violence. Clean Water plus Living Water make a world of difference!

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