What is in your pantry?
A couple of weeks ago, I was able to visit the homes of many pastors and install clean water filtration systems. I was shocked by what I found in some of our pastors’ homes. Please watch the video below for my full testimony of this experience.
I’m asking if you can help me to fill the pantries of Ecuador’s pastors and give their children toys for Christmas. My video testimony tells the story of one pastor’s home whose rickety, makeshift pantry shelf only held a small bag of rice and beans. This revelation inspired my dream to make Christmas special this year for the pastoral families.
Many of these pastors have been radically transformed and have joyfully sacrificed everything for the sake of the gospel. Consider the testimony of one church planter I helped train:
“I was a shaman, a practicing pagan priest. I was very sick and diagnosed with terminal cancer. My nephew, a Christian, wanted to pray for me. I laughed at my nephew. I told him, “I do not believe in your God. Go away and leave me alone.”
That night I had a dream where God revealed Himself to me in a very real and powerful way. God spoke to me in the dream and said, “I will show you my power and you will serve me.” When I woke up, I thought that I was going crazy. Days later, I went back to the doctor for more tests. After viewing the results, the doctor told me, “There is no cancer in body. You have nothing wrong with you. You are completely healed.”
In that moment, I fell to my knees and asked for forgiveness from God. Now I preach of His power and love. God has used my life and testimony for His glory and as a result, many people have been saved.”
We can bless these precious pastors and their families while honoring their sacrifice. We can bless these children with new toys and candy. We can also bless each home with a large food basket that will provide about a month’s worth of rice, beans, flour, sugar, eggs, and other staple products. Together, we will FILL their pantries!
For just $50 you can make Christmas a special and joyous season for an Ecuadorian pastor’s family. Will you prayerfully consider what’s in your pantry and celebrate God’s goodness this season by blessing another pastoral family?