David: Clean Water For Life

Thousands of families in Ecuador do not have access to running water at their homes – and whatever water they do get is often still contaminated. This is the story of David, a 9 year old boy who lives in a rural community and every day after he gets home, he needs to collect water.

“We have no water at home, so when I get home before I eat lunch or do my homework, my mom asks me to go and get water from a water tank outside of our home. The bucket I use is old and small, so I have to make several trips back home. We share this tank with our neighbors, so if I go too late, we get no water for that day. No water for my mom to cook or me and my siblings to drink.

Thanks to your partnership, thousands of children and their families are experiencing life transformation. Through the Give Water program, we go into the homes of these families and install water filtration systems. It offers access to safe drinking water for life, allowing kids to grow healthier and stronger.

Watch the video below to see how David’s life was changed thanks to your partnership.

Also, we conduct follow-up community chaplaincy visits where we share the Gospel and pray with the family. Many people have come into a relationship with Jesus through these visits. Addictions have been broken. Marriages have been restored. Parents have better relationships with their kids.

Thank you for your continuous support; these children can focus on what really matters: education, play, and healthy relationships with their families. Without your help, these kids suffer needless health complications but your partnership helps them flourish and thrive. The gift of Clean Water you provided is bringing hope and life transformation to Deivi and his family.

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