Author name: Tamitha


Be a mission-minded family

Ways for your family to get involved: Pray for missionaries Read missionary biographies Save money as a family for missions projects Write to a missionary kid Learn about life in […]

girl standing at playground of Project M25

But the greatest of these is LOVE

This Valentine’s Day, YOU can celebrate what God’s love accomplished last year. Together, you and our team have many “wins” from 2019. We thank you for your role in helping


Back to school with Ft Mill COG

Fort Mill Church of God’s mission team hosted a back-to-school celebration that included new backpacks and school supplies for every child. Here’s a recap of the day:  Fort Mill


Ecuadorian National Event

The Church at Liberty Square sent their pastoral staff and a team of volunteers to provide a powerful weekend of ministry to the Ecuadorean pastors, their wives and children. Together


Week with Central COG

A missions team from Central Church of God spent the week with us and made a HUGE impact. This youth group had energy to paint, do repairs, cleanup projects AND

Make a child loved this Christmas banner

Give Christmas Operation

95% funded Can you make room in your heart for one more child this Christmas?  Donate Help us show the LOVE of God to HUNDREDS of at-risk children in Ecuador
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